Let’s Find Those Abs!

A long long time ago I once did have abs.  I thought I didn’t, but looking back I did. It’s like this e-card 🙂


So instead of sitting here and fretting about it, I turned to one of my circuit workouts I used to do.  It is way too hot to do anything outside, in the 90’s today!  So I stayed inside and when Cheyanne was taking a nap I busted this out. I used to this one 2-3 times in a row for almost a full hour of circuit training. Now today I just about died.  There is still currently sweat dripping down my forearm from my elbow crease.  Sexy, I know….eventually it will be though 😉 I did it ONE whole time and had to break the planks into two 30 second circuits.  I turned up some Beyonce ‘Who Run the World’ and never let myself stop, no matter how slow I did my pathetic burpees.  I feel good about myself though, after walking it off and lots of stretching and lots of water-ing.  This was my first non-run workout and first actual ‘strength’ workout and as awful it was, it made me remember how it felt to be fit, and got me excited to be in my happy place again.  For some reason if I just think about Chey, I can keep on going through the burn. Whatever motivates you!!

ImageOf course right after my workout was done, Matthew called and asked if I wanted to go to Doyle’s Dogs for lunch….how can I say no to that? I guess I’ll settle for only one 🙂

For dinner? I am thinking some plain old Salmon on the grill and a sweet potato.

I am thinking of hitting up the paleo diet. It makes a heck of alot of sense…our bodies aren’t made to eat all the processed and refined foods available to us.  Our bodies are meant to eat what God provided for us on this earth.  You’re not supposed to eat dairy, I could NEVER not drink milk or eat cheese…so I may adapt a paleo-ish diet.  Eating foods in their natural form with as little salt as possible, but still indulging here and there 🙂 Life would be no fun if you didn’t indulge, especially since there happens to be a Qauker Steak & Lube opening up in Janesville soon.  But I have noticed that I get a belly ache or get bloated after I eat some meals.  I think it may be wheat.  I do not believe I am a celiac as I do not have any other problems, but I know wheat is an inflammatory food.  SO I am just going to try to find recipes that contain small amounts of salt, processed ingredients and wheat.  Hopefully I will feel more energized and healthy!

Here is a little post about the Paleo Diet that makes it obvious why you should try it!

Paleo Simplified

A little motivation for your Friday!

74dcc36e8183a8774b4032f81af8aae6Yes, sir! 🙂

OH and officially 12 pounds to lose before I am at pre-baby weight!

About haselhappenings

I am a mommy to a sweet little girl named Cheyanne, a Viszla named Sierra & and Angel Baby. I am 24 years old, currently going to school to become an RN and I live with the love of my life and husband, Matthew. I love fitness and I am using this blog to track my workouts & meals and to hopefully help other out as well!

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