Extra Shredded Coconut Laying Around?

Make some easy, no bake energy balls! SO I didn’t actually use the unsweetened kind because that is not what was in my pantry, but they still can’t be horrible for me 🙂

1 cup quick cooking oats
½ cup creamy all natural peanut butter
â…“ cup honey
1 cup coconut flakes
½ cup ground flaxseed
1 tsp vanilla
1-2 tbsp. Cocoa

In a medium sized bowl mix together all of the ingredients until well  combined. Chill in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Roll into balls.  Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to one week.

These are good to just pop in a couple for a quick breakfast or 1 for a sweet, chocolaty snack! 🙂

b2604d39c93f2390aa3b7dd3d6e060d0(Im not sure who took this picture, but it wasnt me!)

My other snack obsession? Oh just Oikos Toasted Coconut Vanilla Greek Yogurt. De-Lish!!!


Dinner Idea!!!! Asian Glazed Chicken from SkinnyTaste

Asian Glazed Drumsticks
Calories: 213 • Fat: 4.7 g • Protein: 27.5 g • Carb: 12.7 g • Fiber: 0.4 g  


  • 8 medium chicken drumsticks, skin removed
  • olive oil spray (I used my Misto)
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 tbsp Sriracha hot sauce (more or less to taste)
  • 1/3 cup balsamic vinegar
  • 1/3 cup low sodium soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp honey (or sugar)
  • 3 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 1 tsp ginger, grated
  • 2 tbsp chives or scallions, chopped
  • 1 tsp sesame seeds


In a heavy large saucepan, brown chicken on high for 3-4 minutes with a little spray oil. Add water, balsamic, soy sauce, agave, garlic, ginger, hot sauce and cook on high until liquid comes to a boil. Reduce heat to low and simmer, covered for about 20 minutes. Remove cover and bring heat to high, allowing sauce to reduce down, about 8-10 minutes, until it becomes thick, turning chicken occasionally. (Keep an eye on glaze, you don’t want it to burn when it start becoming thick) Transfer chicken to a platter and pour sauce on top. Top with chives and sesame seeds and serve.


I didn’t have drummies, just chicken breast so I used that instead.  Turned out pretty yummy and it was nice I had everything I needed without having to run to the store 🙂

Let’s Find Those Abs!

A long long time ago I once did have abs.  I thought I didn’t, but looking back I did. It’s like this e-card 🙂


So instead of sitting here and fretting about it, I turned to one of my circuit workouts I used to do.  It is way too hot to do anything outside, in the 90’s today!  So I stayed inside and when Cheyanne was taking a nap I busted this out. I used to this one 2-3 times in a row for almost a full hour of circuit training. Now today I just about died.  There is still currently sweat dripping down my forearm from my elbow crease.  Sexy, I know….eventually it will be though 😉 I did it ONE whole time and had to break the planks into two 30 second circuits.  I turned up some Beyonce ‘Who Run the World’ and never let myself stop, no matter how slow I did my pathetic burpees.  I feel good about myself though, after walking it off and lots of stretching and lots of water-ing.  This was my first non-run workout and first actual ‘strength’ workout and as awful it was, it made me remember how it felt to be fit, and got me excited to be in my happy place again.  For some reason if I just think about Chey, I can keep on going through the burn. Whatever motivates you!!

ImageOf course right after my workout was done, Matthew called and asked if I wanted to go to Doyle’s Dogs for lunch….how can I say no to that? I guess I’ll settle for only one 🙂

For dinner? I am thinking some plain old Salmon on the grill and a sweet potato.

I am thinking of hitting up the paleo diet. It makes a heck of alot of sense…our bodies aren’t made to eat all the processed and refined foods available to us.  Our bodies are meant to eat what God provided for us on this earth.  You’re not supposed to eat dairy, I could NEVER not drink milk or eat cheese…so I may adapt a paleo-ish diet.  Eating foods in their natural form with as little salt as possible, but still indulging here and there 🙂 Life would be no fun if you didn’t indulge, especially since there happens to be a Qauker Steak & Lube opening up in Janesville soon.  But I have noticed that I get a belly ache or get bloated after I eat some meals.  I think it may be wheat.  I do not believe I am a celiac as I do not have any other problems, but I know wheat is an inflammatory food.  SO I am just going to try to find recipes that contain small amounts of salt, processed ingredients and wheat.  Hopefully I will feel more energized and healthy!

Here is a little post about the Paleo Diet that makes it obvious why you should try it!

Paleo Simplified

A little motivation for your Friday!

74dcc36e8183a8774b4032f81af8aae6Yes, sir! 🙂

OH and officially 12 pounds to lose before I am at pre-baby weight!


I am now running 2 miles every couple days WITHOUT STOPPING! Big accomplishment 🙂 Crazy how fast a person can get out of shape, I was walking a good hour a day up until Chey was born, but that c-section put me outta commission and I felt super weak during my runs for a while. My core isn’t what it used to be!

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Starting to be less ‘squishy’ I guess, but boy is it hard to find time to workout! Everything has to be perfect…boobs must be empty, baby must be fed, can’t be too hot, can’t be too cold….omg! So I enjoy when Matt will watch Chey and I can just go run with Sierra. It is so relaxing and I don’t have to worry about my baby being comfortable, she’s in great hands. This is a pic of one of our nighttime runs on the bike trail. SO gorgeous!

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We have Matt’s mom’s wedding on Saturday and then our family pictures on Sunday, so I needed a pick me up… my hair was grown out and my eyebrows outta control. It was TIME and I feel so much better about myself…amazing what wax and dye can do for a woman’s self esteem hey?


What have I been eating? I have been trying the minimalistic approach. For example….

chicken and asparagus stir fry with a little sesame oil, honey, soy sauce and sesame seeds

chopped salad with chicken, strawberries, pineapple, mandarin oranges, blueberries and poppy seed dressing

salmon with sesame seeds, ginger, soy sauce and honey with broccoli

a good one I tried was chicken dredged in a flour, curry and cayenne pepper mixture, then dip it in egg, then dip it in sweetened shredded coconut and bake for 20-30 minutes, it was pretty delicious and had a cool texture

Things with fresh and minimal ingredients. But I am pretty obsessed with salads that have fruit in them right now….. peaches, apples and feta cheese next?

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Now of course I am far from a perfect eater, I eat way too much ice cream and I know it, but it is good for my mind! 🙂

I might start up my circuit training soon to help build those muscles and I will definitely post those on here. But for now I am just running 2-3 times a week, whenever I can!