All Clear!


Well it has been 5 weeks and I am feeling back to normal, here is my daily routine! I got the all clear from my OB to go back to my normal life 🙂 Meaning I am going to start running this week and will end up awfully sore I am sure haha

  • Drink lots of water all day long!
  • Oatmeal for either breakfast or lunch with 2 tbls brown sugar, splash of milk and a big spoonful of flax seed
  • A green smoothie at some point in the day consisting of spinach, granny smith apples, strawberries, bananas and ice cubes (sometimes I add OJ too) – just whatever I feel like or have on hand really
  • If I don’t have oatmeal I have a Shaklee shake with vanilla powder, OJ, milk, frozen berries and a Chobani yogurt
  • Lots of snacks! Chobani is my favorite, protein bars, any kind of fruit, PB on whole wheat toast
  • My favorite lunch is a grilled sandwich on sourdough bread…just meat and cheese and I love Campbells Natural Tomato & Basil soup
  • Going to try THIS healthy Chicken Salad as another lunch option
  • Usually whatever I want for dinner, we have been grilling out a lot, Matt usually makes me a chicken breast and we have some baked beans and I throw one of those steamer bags of veggies in
  • In the middle of the night, which has been about 3:30 usually, I eat a bowl of cereal and a glass of Ovaltine while Cheyanne is nursing…this takes some talent and a couple pillows people haha
  • If it is nice outside, grab the carrier or the stroller and go for a nice long walk!

I had my doctor appointment this week and I have lost 20 pounds so far. 18 more to go 😛 but I feel great so that’s what matters! We are planting our garden this week! Lots of things I can puree for Little Miss this fall – carrots, beans, squash etc… 🙂 So looking forward to just being outside!

About haselhappenings

I am a mommy to a sweet little girl named Cheyanne, a Viszla named Sierra & and Angel Baby. I am 24 years old, currently going to school to become an RN and I live with the love of my life and husband, Matthew. I love fitness and I am using this blog to track my workouts & meals and to hopefully help other out as well!

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