All Clear!


Well it has been 5 weeks and I am feeling back to normal, here is my daily routine! I got the all clear from my OB to go back to my normal life 🙂 Meaning I am going to start running this week and will end up awfully sore I am sure haha

  • Drink lots of water all day long!
  • Oatmeal for either breakfast or lunch with 2 tbls brown sugar, splash of milk and a big spoonful of flax seed
  • A green smoothie at some point in the day consisting of spinach, granny smith apples, strawberries, bananas and ice cubes (sometimes I add OJ too) – just whatever I feel like or have on hand really
  • If I don’t have oatmeal I have a Shaklee shake with vanilla powder, OJ, milk, frozen berries and a Chobani yogurt
  • Lots of snacks! Chobani is my favorite, protein bars, any kind of fruit, PB on whole wheat toast
  • My favorite lunch is a grilled sandwich on sourdough bread…just meat and cheese and I love Campbells Natural Tomato & Basil soup
  • Going to try THIS healthy Chicken Salad as another lunch option
  • Usually whatever I want for dinner, we have been grilling out a lot, Matt usually makes me a chicken breast and we have some baked beans and I throw one of those steamer bags of veggies in
  • In the middle of the night, which has been about 3:30 usually, I eat a bowl of cereal and a glass of Ovaltine while Cheyanne is nursing…this takes some talent and a couple pillows people haha
  • If it is nice outside, grab the carrier or the stroller and go for a nice long walk!

I had my doctor appointment this week and I have lost 20 pounds so far. 18 more to go 😛 but I feel great so that’s what matters! We are planting our garden this week! Lots of things I can puree for Little Miss this fall – carrots, beans, squash etc… 🙂 So looking forward to just being outside!

A Start

A start.  My start was having Cheyanne. BOOM there goes 10-ish pounds plus who knows how much water weight.  As you may have read on my other blog I had anything from the ideal delivery.  Here I was thinking I would have our baby, rest for a week or so then start being active again.  Then a c-section happened and there I was on the couch for 2 weeks.

Before getting pregnant I was in pretty good shape, I was happy with myself.  I would run regularily and I had just started a circuit training routine that I was loving.  I tried running throughout the pregnancy, but I got to about 20 weeks and I just couldn’t.  My ankles and hips were achy and I had to pee every 5 minutes as it was, let alone having Chey bounce around on my bladder. I still walked alot, don’t get me wrong.  I have a psycho dog that would NOT let me not walk.

Here is a picture of my hubby and I at Jason Aldean literally RIGHT BEFORE, or quite possibly the day of getting pregnant 😛


Alright 8.5 months later I had gained 38 pounds! I always ate healthy food, just large amounts of it 🙂

38 weeks

Here I am, I believe this was 1 week after, ab muscles first stretched beyond belief and then cut wide open! This could take a while to get back, but it was alllllll worth it for our beautiful baby 🙂

Post Belly

And here I am today, 3.5 weeks post pardum


So I am using this here blog as a way to kind of track this body after baby adventure.  I am exclusively breastfeeding, which helps and burns alot of calories but may hamper my diet and exercise.  It burns about 600 calories a day, meaning I still have to eat extra, so starting a calorie cutting diet is not really an option.  An option is choosing only the healthiest foods and filling up on those.  I have started walking again this week (week 3), about 30-45 minutes a day.  I cannot believe how much muscle I lost! My butt was achy after our first walk, and it was on very flat ground.  I take little Chey in the carrier which adds some extra weight too.  I can’t wait until I can break out the jogging stroller and use it for what it was made for, but I have to get the OK at my 6 week appointment.  I also can’t wait to do some planks and push-ups….is that wierd?

I do not own a scale, so I am pretty much just going by how I feel and how my clothes fit.  I can fit into my pre-preggo jeans, but I fit in them my whole pregnancy since little missy was so high in my rib cage 🙂 I have what I lovingly call my pudge in my belly and some extra weight in my thighs and rear that I cannot wait to tone up again.

SO I will post updates here and there, I can’t promise how often, let’s not forget I have a newborn baby! But I will post healthy recipes that I try and like, little tips I find here and there, exercises and my weight loss/muscle gain 🙂